Abstract: The technological evolution centered on the concepts of Software Defined Networks (SDN), Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), Cloud Computing, Internet of Things (IoT) and, more recently, on the fifth generation of mobile telecommunications networks, known as 5G, has caused great impact on the Internet. This impact comes not only from the creation of new technologies, communication protocols, security solutions, energy efficiency mechanisms and others, but also from the need to jointly operate this plethora of innovations with each other and with the legacy of the Internet. As a result, several experimentation environments with different scopes have emerged in Brazil, targeting at the research of different subsets of technologies, among them: FIBRE, experimentation of alternative architectures to the current Internet; FUTEBOL, experimentation in telecommunications networks involving optical and wireless communications; CloudNEXT, experimentation on cloud computing and bare-metal provisioning; FIWARE, future Internet-Based applications based on Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data and Cloud Computing; 5GINFIRE, experimentation in 5G networks, based on NFV and cloud usage; and finally NECOS, focused on the creation of slices that encompass different clouds with distributed resources. In this scenario, the main objective of this project is to provide a solution for the provision of advanced network scenarios and allocation of computational resources by slicing these multi-domain experimentation infrastructures, in the simplified creation of complex networks with minimum configuration effort based on the intelligent orchestration of this multi-domain slicing, offering Slice-as-a Service (SlaaS) for future Internet developers.
Ano Inicio: 2021
Ano Fim: 2026
Coordenador Local: Juliano Araujo Wickboldt
Agência de Fomento: FAPESP