
PROFISSA – Programmable Future Internet for Secure Software Architectures

Abstract: With recent advances in technologies aimed at secure private networks, the fifth generation of telecommunication (5G) and the Internet of Things (IoT), networks have been witnessing unexpected changes in usage profiles with adverse requirements, such as low latency, security of flows or high resilience at any time. Such changes, when applied over programmable networks, may involve modifications to the software developed for the network (e.g., P4). Software Engineering techniques can be applied to improve/speed up/optimize network software development, especially when network profile changes occur. In this case, the PROFISSA project is proposed to investigate, map and advance the use of Software Engineering techniques when applied to programmable networks in order to improve the structural, functional and development process quality of network programs. The project will provide a modular and reusable code framework for network programs developed with good development practices. In addition, the network programs developed in the project will be executed in real environments of programmable networks implemented on a testbed for network software development and analysis. Therefore, the integration between RNP and the FABRIC project is sought to create real state-of-the-art programmable network environments, taking into account, for example, the use of programmability in the data plane with the use of devices that support P4.

Ano Inicio: 2021

Ano Fim: 2023

Coordenador Local: Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville

Agência de Fomento: FAPESP